Saturday, 7 October 2017

Is the Begging Haram in Islam?

Making effort and earning one’s own living, the Islam sets excessive emphasis on it rather than going out request others for it for without any purpose. It also tactics for all where every person grows its unpaid share, a well-stable Muslim civilization. Trough an obligatory action of Zakat, those who are able to give their money to help out others in need. According to Quran, 

“And from their assets was [given] the premise of the [needy] supplicant and the deprived.” 

The above-stated Quranic verse shows that, who have sufficient wealth in the worldly life and those who take care of the deprived people through it are great followers of Allah and His Messenger. The Holy Prophet said that and narrated by Abu Huraira (R.A), 

“The poor person is not the one who goes everywhere the people (begging them) and is sacked with one or two scraps, and one or two dates. The poor is that who has not enough (money) to mollify his requirements, his state is not known to others that they may give him something in assistance, nor does he request of people.” (Bukhari and Muslim) 

This explains the who are true poor person and the thought of deficiency in the Islam be subject to the fact how much a lesser amount of one owns in order to ensemble its regular life requirements. 

What is the Correct Way of Treating Beggars? 

You should do some effort to earn money and fulfill your desire because Islam has harshly prohibited from begging others for money. According to a Hadith, narrated by Abu Huraira (R.A),

“It is well for one between you to carry a weight of kindling on his backbone and give Zakat out of it and be self-governing of people, then that he should beg from people, whether they give him anything or garbage him. Verily the upper hand is better than the lower hand, and begin with your dependents.” (Muslim) 

Therefore, who are able to fulfill his needs, should never ask others for prosperity and he should aid others and become self-influential. You should donate your money to the poor for the sake of pleasing the Allah. Allah says in Quran, 

“So as for the orphan, don’t dominate [him]. And as for the supplicant, don’t keep away [him].” [Quran, 93: 9-10] 

Therefore, if someone is asking for a favor, just because of this, a believer is not allowed to keep away. You should not think about begging point of view, just think in a pleasant way and give them charity and circumvent from aberrant them. You should help your poor relatives and take them along on Umrah and Hajj with Umrah Experts low price Three star Umrah 2018 Deals from London with hotel and flight in a pleasant manner and get Allah’s blessings.